Little Mister – 7 days old {The Heights Newborn Photographer, Houston, TX}

At 7 days old, this little man was so bright-eyed and alert that I thought I may never get him asleep for our session. But with enough warm heat, soothing and soft blankets he was out and let us take lots of precious photos of him. I love when grandmas are brought to the newborn sessions…a photo of generations will never get old. This makes me think that I really need more photos with my grandparents. Thanks for the wonderful session O family! I hope that you love and treasure your photos!

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“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have captured is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”— Aaron Siskind

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Clean, classic and timeless photography. We work to make every session a unique and

comfortable experience for you and your family.