Chappell Hill Bluebonnet Sessions
“He has made everything beautiful in it’s time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11
Chappell Hill Bluebonnet Sessions
Every year, around early to mid April, we are so privileged to be able to provide our clients bluebonnet sessions. We have acres of private land full of bluebonnets and rolling hills for our sunset photos. These sessions are geared more towards achieving lasting family photos. But they will incorporate a few moments of playtime / lifestyle photos as well. Our land is in Chappell Hill, Texas and its gated and private. Feel free to follow along with us at Brenham Wildflower Watch as we wait to see if the bluebonnets will appear this year!
We will offer one weekend of sunset mini sessions Saturday and Sunday) as well as two full family sessions (Saturday and Sunday) that will also take place on the next weekend at sunset.
If you interested in booking a session with Emily Crump Photography for 2022-2023 now is the time to book. Session dates book up quickly! Please email me today at while session dates are still available. We are using all necessary covid precautions during our sessions to maintain the safety of our littlest clients and their families.
Here are a few blog posts about Bluebonnet Mini Sessions that we have done in the past…
Be sure and follow us on Instagram and Facebook for all mini session announcements.